New Director of Advancement

The National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Mr. Paul Koenig will transition out of his current role as the Shrine's Coordinator of Programs & Pilgrimages to become our new Director of Advancement.

Over the past year, Paul has brought significant organization, innovation, and clarity to our pilgrimage and retreat program. His knowledge of coding, outgoing personality, and keen eye for detail brought much-needed direction to this important ministry at the Shrine. As a result, we have seen an increase in visitors, and have consistently received overwhelmingly positive feedback from over 2,000 individuals (just since January 2024).

You may also recall Paul's success with our inaugural Saint Rita Day of Service, as well as with our Feast Day hospitality suite. Both of these impressive efforts showcased Paul's gifts, as well as advanced the mission of the Shrine in unprecedented ways. I am confident in his ability to bring the same enthusiasm, warmth, care for our mission, and ingenuity to this new role.

We invite you to join us in offering a word of support and congratulations to Paul as the Shrine begins this new era of advancement.

Saint Rita, keep praying for us!


Special Hours for the Solemnity of Saint Augustine


A Busy Week @ the Shrine