The Order of Saint Augustine, more commonly known as the Augustinians, is a Roman Catholic community of men and women that exists world-wide and was founded in 1244. Inspired by the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and the religious insight and teachings of Saint Augustine of Hippo, Augustinians seek to live out a Christian vocation of love for God and neighbor in communion of life and service to the Church.

The foundation and characteristic of Augustinian spirituality is life in common, in which Friars seek to construct a path that is directed to God in service of others. They do this not only through the sharing of ideals and values, but also in the communion of all their material and spiritual goods. In this way they strive to grow through the gift of God's grace, and so give witness to the mystery of the Trinity and of the Church, anticipating now on earth the reality they hope for in the future in the Father’s house.
The activity of their journey is shaped by Saint Augustine's own experience and counsel, and is characterized by three essential elements: the constant search for God by means of a deep interior life; the practical love of neighbor; and the constant pursuit of truth.

“We are to be of one mind and heart on the way to God. We are travelers on pilgrimage together, wherein Christ is our constant companion, as well as our way and our goal.”
Adapted from the Augustinian Order's Constitutions and Plan of Formation
Augustinian Ministries: Setting Hearts on Fire
The Augustinian Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova was established in the United States in 1796 and now consists of 129 Friars living in 21 Augustinian communities on the east coast of the United States and in Japan. The Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova serves the Church and its communities by working in collaboration with lay men and women. Together, they build Christian communities in the field of education, in parishes, foreign missions in Japan and Peru, and minister to the marginalized and under-served in the inner-city.
Augustinian Vocations: Restlessness
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
Saint Augustine of Hippo, The Confessions
It may be surprising to hear that the Augustinians are called to a life of “restlessness.” The majority of people have probably come to associate religious brotherhood with a calm and tranquil way of life. After all, isn't the secular world of consumerism already a restless world? Indeed it is, but the Augustinians see this “restlessness” as a Divine Gift.
“Restlessness” is that desire to be filled and fulfilled. We all have it. We try to ignore it at times, but still it remains. Augustinians believe that it can direct us to God.
Are you restless? Are you searching? Do you have the desire to live in a community of friends that is Christ-centered? Do you have the desire to bring that very same desire to others? “Restlessness” is a key aspect to the Augustinian way of life, igniting their common search for God through prayer, community life, and ministry.